ADICUP360 is a complete IoT development kit (supports Arduino and PMOD interfaces)

Var videoObject = { container: '.video', variable: 'player', autoplay:true, html5m3u8:true, video:' 11e8-9c46-408d5c8db401/1/hls/index.m3u8' }; if (!!window.ActiveXObject) { videoObject.html5m3u8 = false } var player=new ckplayer(videoObject);

USB Cables

USB cables come in different shapes and sizes despite the fact a lot of them do the same things. In this short and handy guide, we`ll take a look at all the different types of USB cables available on the market and give you some examples of where you might find them in use.

USB Type-A, USB Type-B, Mini-USB, Micro-USB, USB-C

USB Cable,usb cable types,usb cable extension