As the maker of the world's top engine Unreal Engine, Epic Games announced its first VR game, "Robo Recall," in October and launched a promotional video. As a standard 3A masterpiece on the VR platform, the exquisite picture displayed in the promotional materials of "Mechanical Reloading" has been praised by many players and developers.
The reason why "Reloading Mechanical" in VR is so clear, according to Epic Games, is that they use a forward renderer optimized for VR. This feature is now integrated into Unreal 4.14 and is open to all developers.
Recently, Epic Games released Unreal 4.14 Preview (preview version). Will support GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows, Android and iOS systems.
It is reported that deferred rendering has become a popular choice in game engines due to its efficient lighting and shadow calculations, but the forward renderer offers the possibility of multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA). This is great for virtual reality because it enhances the clarity of the scene compared to other anti-aliasing methods.
The company said that for the "mechanical reloading" game, the forward renderer "is about 22% faster than the delayed renderer on the NVIDIA 970 GTX." Optimized rendering performance means that developers can implement increasingly complex scenes, richer graphics, and lower power required to run the same complexity scene.
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