Visual Studio Code (hereafter referred to as vscode) is a lightweight and powerful code editor that supports Windows, OS X and Linux. Built-in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js support, and a rich plug-in ecosystem that supports C++, C#, Python, PHP, and more by installing plugins.
According to the author of vscode, this product may be Microsoft's first Linux-enabled product.
Microsoft's positioning of vscode is shown below, between the editor and the IDE, but more like an editor. Some people say that it is an IDE with an editor's coat. I think it's an editor with an IDE coat.
VsCode shortcutPress the Press function FuncTIon
Ctrl + Shift + P, F1 shows the command panel Show Command Palette
Ctrl + P to quickly open Quick Open
Ctrl + Shift + N new window / instance New window / instance
Ctrl + Shift + W close window / instance Close window / instance
Basic editing Basic ediTIng
Press the Press function FuncTIon
Ctrl+X cut line (empty selected) Cut line (empty selecTIon)
Ctrl+C copy line (empty selected) Copy line (empty selection)
Alt+ ↑ / 移动 Move the line up/down Move line up/down
Shift+Alt + ↓ / å¤åˆ¶ Copy the line up/down Copy line up/down
Ctrl+Shift+K delete line Delete line
Ctrl+Enter inserts the row below the Insert line below
Ctrl+Shift+Enter inserts the line above Insert line above
Ctrl+Shift+\jump to matching brackets to to bracket
Ctrl+] / [Indent/outdentation indent/outdent line
HomeGo to the beginning Go to beginning of line
End to the end of the line Go to end of line
Ctrl+Home to go to the beginning of the file Go to beginning of file
Ctrl+End Go to the end of the file Go to end of file
Ctrl+↑ / 滚动 scroll up/down Scroll line up/down
Alt+PgUp / PgDown scrolls up/down page Scroll page up/down
Ctrl+Shift+[Fold (collapse) area Fold (collapse) region
Ctrl+Shift+]Expand (unfolded) area Unfold (uncollapse) region
Ctrl+K Ctrl+[Fold (unfolded) all sub-regions Fold (collapse) all subregions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+]Expand (unfolded) all sub-regions Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+0fold (fold) all regions Fold (collapse) all regions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+JExpand (unfolded) all areas Unfold (uncollapse) all regions
Ctrl+K Ctrl+CAdd a line comment Add line comment
Ctrl+K Ctrl+U delete line comment Remove line comment
Ctrl+/Switch line comment Toggle line comment
Shift+Alt+A switch block comment Toggle block comment
Alt+Z toggles Toggle word wrap
Navigation Navigation
Press the Press function Function
Ctrl + T shows all symbols Show all Symbols
Ctrl + G to go to the line. . . Go to Line. .
Ctrl + P to go to the file. . . Go to File. .
Ctrl + Shift + O to the symbol. . . Go to Symbol. .
Ctrl + Shift + M display problem panel Show Problems panel
F8 Go to the next error or warning Go to next error or warning
Shift + F8 Go to previous error or warning Go to previous error or warning
Ctrl + Shift + Tab navigation editor group history Navigate editor group history
Alt + â†/→ Back / Forward Go back / forward
Ctrl + M toggle tabs move focus Toggle Tab moves focus
Search and replace Search and replace
Press the Press function Function
Ctrl + F to find Find
Ctrl + H replaces Replace
F3 / Shift + F3 find next/previous Find next/previous
Alt + Enter selects all occurrences of the match. Select all occurences of Find match
Ctrl + D will add the selection to the next search match Add selection to next Find match
Ctrl + K Ctrl + D moves the last selection to the next match match Move last selection to next Find match
Alt + C / R / W switch case sensitive / regular expression / whole word Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word
Multiple cursors and select Multi-cursor and selection
Press the Press function Function
Alt + click to insert the cursor Insert cursor
Ctrl + Alt +↑/↓Insert cursor up/down Insert cursor above / below
Ctrl + U undo the last cursor operation Undo last cursor operation
Shift + Alt + I inserts the cursor at the end of each selected line. Insert cursor at end of each line selected
Ctrl + I select the current line Select current line
Ctrl + Shift + L selects all currently selected Select all occurrences of current selection
Ctrl + F2 selects all occurrences of the current word Select all occurrences of current word
Shift + Alt + → Expand to select Expand selection
Shift + Alt + ↠narrow down selection Shrink selection
Shift + Alt + (drag mouse) column (box) selects Column (box) selection
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + (arrow) column (box) select Column (box) selection
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + PgUp / PgDown column (box) select page up/down Column (box) selection page up/down
Rich language editing Rich languages ​​editing
Press the Press function Function
Ctrl + space triggers the suggested Trigger suggestion
Ctrl + Shift + Space Trigger Parameters Tip Trigger parameter hints
TabEmmet Expand Abbreviation Emmet expand abbreviation
Shift + Alt + F formatted document Format document
Ctrl + K Ctrl + F format selected area Format selection
F12 goes to define Go to Definition
Alt + F12Peek defines Peek Definition
Ctrl + K F12 to open the definition to the side Open Definition to the side
Ctrl + . Quickly fix Quick Fix
Shift + F12 shows references to Reference References
F2 rename symbol Rename Symbol
Ctrl + Shift + . /, replace with the next/previous value Replace with next/previous value
Ctrl + K Ctrl + X trim trailing spaces Trim trailing whitespace
Ctrl + KM change the file language Change file language
Editor management
Press the Press function Function
Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+W to close the editor Close editor
Ctrl+KF closes the folder Close folder
Ctrl+\split editor Split editor
Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 focuses on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group
Ctrl+K Ctrl+ â†/→Focus to the previous/next editor group Focus into previous/next editor group
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / PgDown Move left/right editor Move editor left/right
Ctrl+K ↠/ → Move activity editor group Move active editor group
File management
Press the Press function Function
Ctrl+N new file New File
Ctrl+O to open the file. . . Open File. .
Ctrl+SSave Save
Ctrl+Shift+S is saved as. . . Save As. .
Ctrl+KS saves Save All
Ctrl+F4 closes Close
Ctrl+K Ctrl+W to close all Close All
Ctrl+Shift+T reopens the closed editor Reopen closed editor
Ctrl+K input keeps open Enter Keep Open
Ctrl+Tab to open the next Open next
Ctrl+Shift+Tab opens the previous Open previous
Ctrl+KP copy the path of the active file Copy path of active file
Ctrl+KR displays the active file in the Explorer, Reveal active file in Explorer
Ctrl+KO displays the active file in new window/instance Show active file in new window/instance
Press the Press function Function
F11 switch full screen Toggle full screen
Shift+Alt+1 switch editor layout Toggle editor layout
Ctrl+ = / - Zoom in/out Zoom in/out
Ctrl+B toggles sidebar visibility Toggle Sidebar visibility
Ctrl+Shift+EShow Browser / Toggle Focus Show Explorer / Toggle focus
Ctrl+Shift+FShow Search Show Search
Ctrl+Shift+G shows Git Show Git
Ctrl+Shift+D shows debugging Show Debug
Ctrl+Shift+X shows extended Show Extensions
Ctrl+Shift+H replaces the file Replace in files
Ctrl+Shift+JSwitch search details Toggle Search details
Ctrl+Shift+C to open a new command prompt / terminal Open new command prompt / terminal
Ctrl+Shift+U display output panel Show Output panel
Ctrl+Shift+V to switch Markdown preview Toggle Markdown preview
Ctrl+KV opens Markdown preview from side to open Markdown preview to the side
Debug Debug
Press the Press function Function
F9 switch breakpoint Toggle breakpoint
F5 start/continue Start/Continue
Shift+F5 stops Stop
F11 / Shift + F11 Next / Previous Step into / out
F10 skips Step over
Ctrl+K Ctrl+I shows hovering show hover
Integrated terminal
Press the Press function Function
Ctrl+`display integrated terminal Show integrated terminal
Ctrl+Shift+`Create a new terminal Create new terminal
Ctrl+Shift+C to copy selected Copy selection
Ctrl+Shift+V paste to the active terminal Paste into active terminal
Ctrl+↑ / ↓ Scroll up/down Scroll up/down
Shift+PgUp / PgDown Scroll up/down page Scroll page up/down
Ctrl+Home / End scroll to top/bottom Scroll to top/bottom
How does vscode modify the default shortcuts?Recently, when using vscode, I found that the shortcut key conflicts with other software. I want to modify the shortcut key of vscode. How to set it? According to a small series of studies, the original method is like this.
Method / step
First open the vscode editor and click on Home - Preferences - Keyboard Shortcuts;
Enter the keyboard shortcut interface, you can see that all the commands have been displayed here.
Let's modify the default shortcut settings, such as modifying the save command shortcut, right click - change the key binding;
At this time, the pop-up window prompts you to enter the required combination key. For example, hold down ctrl+shift+s at the same time, and then click the enter key to complete the modification.
If you want to reset back to the default settings, you can also right-click the reset button to return to the default settings;
If you need more advanced custom shortcuts, you can directly click on the above prompt "keybindings.josn", enter the key value you need to modify on the right side of the open interface;
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