Edge computing refers to an open platform that integrates network, computing, storage, and application core capabilities on the side close to the source or data source, providing near-end services. Its applications are launched on the edge side, resulting in faster network service response, meeting the industry's basic needs for real-time business, application intelligence, security and privacy protection. Edge computing is between physical entities and industrial connections, or at the top of physical entities. In the cloud computing, historical data of edge calculations can still be accessed.
What is edge computing?Edge computing is not a new word. As a provider of content distribution network CDN and cloud services, AKAMAI worked with IBM on "Edge Computing" in 2003. As one of the world's largest distributed computing service providers, it was responsible for 15-30% of global network traffic. In one of its internal research projects, the purpose and problem of "edge computing" was proposed, and AKAMAI and IBM provided Edge Edge-based services on their WebSphere.
For the Internet of Things, breakthroughs in edge computing technology mean that many controls will be implemented through local devices without having to leave the cloud, and processing will be done at the local edge computing layer. This will undoubtedly greatly improve the processing efficiency and reduce the load on the cloud. As it gets closer to the user, it also provides a faster response to the user and resolves the need at the edge.
Edge CompuTIng is a method of processing data physically close to the location where the data is generated, ie, the area in which the person and person are located, such as in a home and remote office.
Figure 2. Processors with certain computing power are usually integrated in IoT devices.
Since these data-generating things and people are usually not in the cloud, we need to complement cloud computing through many forms of computing at the edge of the Internet of Things (IoT) solution architecture.
Figure 3. There is a large amount of data to be passed between the node and the cloud.
The discussion of Edge CompuTIng usually ignores how many types of "edge" calculations, but in this paper we will explore the basic drivers of Edge CompuTIng and many types of Edge CompuTIng.
Since Edge computing refers to calculations close to things, data, and action sources, we can also use this type of data processing in more general terms: Proximity Computing or Proximity Computing. .
Economics of Proximity Computing
We need to respond to events happening around in time to get a good user experience (such as when you need to "change TV channels") or to avoid disasters (such as when a "gas leak" occurs).
Figure 3. Perception, processing, and action are three types of events in the Internet of Things;
Because there are many events happening in these classes, we need to orchestrate such complex systems into perception, processing, and action (SPA, Sense, Process, and Act (SPA)). The cost of the SPA is a function of local and remote processing costs, network connection costs, and remote system management costs.
In terms of the size and power of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Proximity Computing balances the relationship between the timeliness of response events and the cost of responding to events. The legal restrictions on the management of data transfer further drive the need for Proximity Computing.
Multilateral scenario - type of Proximity Computing
There are many types of edges to consider when it comes to optimal proximity calculations. There are three main types of combing them: Personal Edge, Business Edge, and Cloudy Edge. These three edges deploy SPA (Sensing-Processing-Acting) to different environments to handle a range of different issues for optimal automatic response, such as when your personal car is stolen.
Figure 4. Three types of edges
Below are the drivers for each edge and its development.
1) Personal EdgeThis edge computing is around us, sometimes at our side, right in our home; it includes home robots, smart glasses, smart tablets, sensors under your skin, watches, home automation systems, you Amazon Echo (echo) and smartphone.
The Personal Edge is generally mobile. Personal Edge computing devices move into the Business Edge area as we move between home and work.
Figure 5, personal edge
With the popularity of smart home devices, digital health and other personal devices, we will hear more about Personal Edge computing in the next five years.
2) Business EdgeThis is the most popular type of Edge computing. Machines and people connected at the Business Edge gather here. Business Edge is in our carpeted office, in the carpet-free area, and even in the open areas where we work and play.
Many IoT discussions seem to assume that this is the only edge, and each IoT discussion expresses the benefits of Edge computing. Mission-critical SPA ("Sensing-Processing-Acting") is a strong focus in this area, especially in the Industrial IoT field.
Figure 6, business edge
Many vendors are providing development environments for such applications to help customers develop edge applications and analytics. Amazon Lambda Greengrass (https://aws.amazon.com/cn/lambda/) and Azure IoT Hub are examples of such software.
[Note 1: Amazon Lambda Greengrass is Amazon's cloud computing service, through AWS Lambda, you can run the code without configuring or managing the server. You only pay for the calculated time spent – ​​no cost when the code is not running. With Lambda, you can run code for almost any type of application or backend service, all without management. Just upload your code and Lambda will do everything you need to run and extend your high-availability code. You can set your code to automatically trigger from other AWS services, or directly from any web or mobile app. 】
[Note 2: Azure IoT Hub is Microsoft's cloud computing for IoT applications. Azure IoT Hub means the Internet of Things Center. It is a cloud service that provides registration, management and communication for IoT devices. It is an important part of Microsoft's Azure IoT Suite and an important foundation for Microsoft's IoT strategy. Microsoft Azure IoT Hub can be used to manage billions of IoT devices, provide two-way communication support between the cloud and devices, handle trillions of information per month, and simplify integration with other Azure services, including Azure Machine learning and Azure flow analysis. 】
Figure, Amazon's cloud computing platform
Figure, Microsoft's cloud computing platform
3) Cloudy EdgeThis is currently the least talked about Edge computing, but it is the oldest edge. Cloudy Edge is a topological term at the edge of a service provider or enterprise network where services first enter from a dial-up modem to a home or remote branch office.
The Cloudy Edge was once just a network edge without any computing power. They are called PoPs (points-of-presence).
Figure 7. Cloudy Edge
The need for application performance and content delivery requires the addition of application and data processing capabilities at the network edge. Modern Edge Data Centers can meet this need. Content Delivery Networks (CDN, Content Delivery Networks) is using them so that we can get better page and video loading. Mobile Edge Computing enhances the edge of this edge because people need better mobile app performance.
So the old PoP has no future in terms of content and computing. The SP edge, the mobile edge and the enterprise edge form the cloud. This type of edge is still related to ensuring application performance and smooth content delivery.
to sum upThere are many ways to describe what the Internet of Things (IoT) is. These descriptions are all right, but some descriptions are more comprehensive.
Here we provide a description of the Internet of Things (IoT): IoT = distributed artificial intelligence and human intelligence across the maze of connected devices.
Figure 8. Edge computing is changing the entire Internet of Things (IoT) scenario
Edge computing technologies like AWS Lambda and Greengrass are helping to accelerate the creation of such distributed artificial intelligence. How to create distributed intelligence in the personal, business and cloud edge will depend on your application, cost and related regulations. We will see more and more Edge computing reference architectures to support the new application model of the Internet of Things (IoT).
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