Allocation of frequency bands transmitted by communication satellites of satellite television broadcasting

The frequency band transmitted by the communication satellite of video broadcasting can be divided into:

C band:

Frequency range = 3.4GHz-4.2GHz. It is usually used in global broadcasting, hemisphere broadcasting and transoceanic relay broadcasting (new satellites can be used as DTH if they cooperate with digital compression signals due to their strong power, like ST-1 Detaixin and Youwei live broadcast systems). Ku band:

The frequency range includes a total of 2GHz from 10.75 to 12.75GHz. Used in regional broadcasting, point-to-point broadcasting, live satellite broadcasting and SNG relay transmission. The Ku frequency band is generally divided into 5 frequency bands because of its wide bandwidth up to 2GHz.

KU-1 * 10.95-11.2 * 9.750 * ITU-1-2-3 all areas * relay or DTH

KU-2 * 11.2-11.45 * 10.25 * ITU-1 America * Relay or DTH

KU-3 * 11.45-11.7 * 10.5 * ITU-1-2-3 all areas * relay or DTH

KU-4 * 11.7-12.2 * 10.678 * ITU-2 European dedicated * trunk or DTH, Japan, Korea DBS, Europe DBS11.7-12.5

KU-5 * 12.25-12.75 * 11.30 * ITU-3 full frequency ITU-1-2 12.5-12.75 * relay or DTH America DBS: 12.2-12.7

The frequency band transmitted by the satellite depends on the mission of the satellite and the equipment carried on the body. Some only transmit the C frequency band (such as Asia Pacific 1, Asia Pacific 1A), and some only transmit the Ku frequency band (such as Super Bird C, JCSAT-4) Some are capable of transmitting C and Ku frequency bands (such as Pan American 2, Pan American 8 and Yawei 2 etc.). These satellites are usually equipped with several transceiver antennas, which can be used to broadcast large areas and small areas (SPOT beams) for different programs and different countries.

The antennas that receive these signals are also divided into C-band and Ku-band antennas. Due to the larger broadcast area and weaker received signals, the C-band signals require a larger antenna to collect these signals. The Ku frequency signal is usually broadcast in a small area, and the received signal is strong, so it can be received with a small antenna.

KU full frequency LNB and KU full frequency LNB for Asia ST-1

Due to the increasingly frequent use of satellites, most of the frequency bands planned in each ITU zone are currently in use.Therefore, in order to make LNB more efficient planning, because different LNBs have to be used for different frequency bands, it has been It is gradually inconsistent with the use efficiency of TVRO users. The equipment that replaces single-frequency LNB is called KU full-frequency LNB. It divides KU full frequency into high-frequency and low-frequency two bands. While receiving with a single LNB, this ku Full-band LNBs are divided into European KU full-band LNB and Asian ST-1 dedicated KU full-band LNB according to the practicality of the equipment.

European KU full-band LNB

The European countries are numerous, dense and close to each other. Generally, the economic strength of various countries is strong.Each country has its national considerations.Therefore, it is common to develop its own TV satellites. Due to the large number of channels and brilliant, Europe has become the world ’s satellite. TV is the most prosperous region, so now the global satellite equipment manufacturers are not specially tailored to the needs of Europe.

Looking at the table above, it is known that the European region belonging to ITU-2 has almost been used at full frequency except for the 0.25GHz frequency band of 11.2-11.45GHz. Therefore, in order to allow the receiver to use a single LNB, it can produce dual local oscillation frequency (LO) LNB. The KU full frequency 2GHz bandwidth is divided into HI and LOW frequency bands.

The frequency range of KU HI-BAND: 11.7-12.75GHz The local oscillation frequency (LO) used is 10.75GHz (10.6GHz is also used)

The frequency range of KU LOW-BAND: 10.95-11.7GHz The local oscillation frequency (LO) used is 9.75GHz (10.0GHz is also used).

In order to allow the receiver to easily select the frequency band and plan a new type of receiver, it must provide a selection frequency of 22KHz. When using KU HI-BAND, it is generally selected in the 'on' position. The LOW-BAND operation does not provide a 22KHz (or off) position. The frequency of using this LNB to receive the entire frequency band is down-converted after the frequency is between 950-2150MHz.

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