Jingdian intends to handle the new private offering with a maximum issue of no more than 250 million shares

On April 26, Jingdian held a board meeting and decided to handle the new private equity case. The maximum number of shares issued was no more than 250 million shares. The company said that since the private equity case passed by the shareholders' meeting last year will expire on June 6 this year, and the case cannot be executed before the deadline, the board of directors decided not to continue the case on the 26th, but also to apply for it. The new private placement will be discussed at the shareholders meeting held on June 14.

Jingdian pointed out that optimistic about the continuous development of LED lighting, the company expects to introduce relevant international major manufacturers through private placements to carry out strategic cooperation to enhance the company's competitiveness in this field, the cooperation target is locked in the ownership of lighting-related patent technology, estuary and other advantages The international manufacturers, so far, the operators who came to negotiate are overseas manufacturers, but there are still many details still being discussed between the two sides. It is estimated that they will not be completed before the expiration of this June 6th. Therefore, the board of directors decided not to continue to handle the The case, and through the proposed new private placement, the new case will be discussed at the shareholders meeting held on June 14.

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