Lecture 3: Specification of antenna installation for mobile communication system

Due to the rapid development of mobile communications, there are currently multiple networks coexisting in many regions of the country, that is, A, B, and G networks coexist. The G network in some regions also includes GSM9000 and GSM1800. In order to make full use of resources and realize resource sharing, we generally adopt the form of antenna common tower. This involves the correct installation of the antenna, that is, how to install it to minimize the mutual influence between the antennas. In engineering, we generally use the isolation index to measure, usually the isolation should be at least greater than 30dB, in order to meet this requirement, the method of separating the antenna in the vertical direction or in the horizontal direction is often used. Practice has proved that in the antenna spacing At the same time, vertical installation can obtain greater isolation than horizontal installation.

In general, the antenna installation should pay attention to the following issues:

(1) Tower side installation of directional antenna: In order to reduce the influence of the antenna tower on the antenna pattern, attention should be paid to the installation: when the distance from the center of the directional antenna to the tower is λ / 4 or 3λ / 4, you can get Maximum directionality.

(2) Installation on the tower side of the omnidirectional antenna: In order to reduce the influence of the antenna tower on the antenna pattern, in principle, the antenna tower cannot be the reflector of the antenna. Therefore, in the installation, the antenna should always be installed at the corners, and the closest distance between the antenna and any part of the iron tower is greater than λ.

(3) Multi-antenna common tower: To minimize the coupling effect and mutual influence between different network transceiver antennas, try to increase the isolation between the antennas. The best way is to increase the distance between them. When the antenna is common, vertical installation should be preferred.

(4) For the traditional single-polarized antenna (vertical polarization), due to the isolation (≥30dB) between the antennas (RX-TX, TX-TX) and the requirements of space diversity technology, there is a certain requirement between the antennas The horizontal and vertical separation distance, generally the vertical distance is about 50cm, the horizontal distance is about 4.5m, then the capital investment must be increased to expand the platform for installing the antenna, and for the dual-polarized antenna (± 45 ° polarization), due to ± The polarization orthogonality of 45 ° can ensure that the isolation between the + 45 ° and -45 ° antennas meets the intermodulation requirements for the isolation between the antennas (≥30dB), so the spatial separation between the dual-polarized antennas Only 20-30cm is needed, and the mobile base station does not need to build an iron tower. It only needs to build an iron column with a diameter of 20cm, and fix the dual-polarized antenna on the iron column according to the corresponding coverage direction.

--- Distance from the tower platform:> 1M
--- Antenna spacing:
--- Receiving antenna of the same cell:> 3M
--- Horizontal distance of omnidirectional antenna:> 4M
--- Horizontal distance of directional antenna:> 2.5M
--- Vertical spacing of antennas on different platforms:> 1M
--- Transceiver antenna can not be placed upside down unless specified in the manual.
--- Within the protection scope of lightning rod.
--- Antenna orientation: For directional antennas, the first sector is 60 degrees north-northeast, the second sector is south-south, and the third sector is 60 degrees north-northwest.
--- Antenna tilt: ensure that the actual antenna tilt meets the SE design requirements, and the error is less than 2 degrees.
--- Antenna verticality: Except for base stations with antenna tilt, ensure that the antenna's verticality is not greater than 2 degrees.

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Due to the rapid development of mobile communications, there are currently multiple networks coexisting in many areas of the country, namely A ...

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