Ronda Electronics said that Apple will certify the Bluetooth LED light source control system within 1-2 months, which will make Ronda Electronics the world's first iOS-based LED light source control product supplier. Ronda Electronics is currently developing a new Bluetooth wireless LED lighting product that is compatible with iOS devices. The company hopes that both software and hardware will be certified by Apple.
iOS devices require a special Bluetooth serial port profile for authentication. After obtaining Apple's certification, Ronda's products will be able to print the "Made for iPhone" or "Made for iPad" logo.
Lunda Electronics' LED lighting technology will allow users to adjust color temperature, brightness and other parameters. The company's products have been applied to the Google Android platform in 2011. It is understood that Japan holds 30-40% of the sales of LED chips from Ronda Electronics, 20-25% in Europe, 20% in the Asia Pacific region, and 10% in the US.
iOS devices require a special Bluetooth serial port profile for authentication. After obtaining Apple's certification, Ronda's products will be able to print the "Made for iPhone" or "Made for iPad" logo.
Lunda Electronics' LED lighting technology will allow users to adjust color temperature, brightness and other parameters. The company's products have been applied to the Google Android platform in 2011. It is understood that Japan holds 30-40% of the sales of LED chips from Ronda Electronics, 20-25% in Europe, 20% in the Asia Pacific region, and 10% in the US.
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