Earlier, Apple said it will release a professional-grade iMac later this year, and recently there is news that Apple is considering using the Xeon CPU for this iMac. The iMac has long been considered a consumer-grade product, generally not using a Xeon processor, while a workstation-class product like the Mac Pro uses a Xeon processor. If Apple really chose to use the Xeon processor for the iMac, what prompted them to make such a decision.
In fact, like many social elements, personal computers are also bimodal. This is the case for educating users and markets. Cheap tablets (and Chromebooks) can handle some of the less demanding tasks for devices, and some students, professors, and researchers need devices with more computing power and graphics capabilities to help them do more advanced work. In this way, there is a gap between high and low, there is no mid-end product.
Apple is the same. Apple Mac products in the professional field have also left such vacancies. In contrast, other companies, especially HP, have given these users a powerful choice in this area, giving devices more memory, better memory bandwidth and more computing power. Fortunately, Apple seems to have felt this change, recognizing the needs of creative and technical professionals, so they may choose to use the Xeon processor for the iMac. There is also news that Apple is currently testing a new iMac product, which is reported to be a server-level product that Apple hopes will be used against Microsoft's Surface Studio.
From the perspective of Xeon
Currently, Xeon processors are becoming more widely used, and these areas were previously dedicated to Core i5 and i7 processors. The reason for this is probably because of the bimodal distribution. If the device uses a Xeon processor, the device requires ECC memory, which is a memory stick that implements Error Checking and Correction Technology (ECC). According to Hewlett-Packard's Jim Christensen, this is mainly to ensure the integrity of the data. The combination of Xeon processor and ECC memory provides users with server-level data and computational integrity, a feature not found in the Core processor. And the clock frequency of the Xeon processor is much faster.
In addition, Intel also confirmed this. Xeon was born in 1998, and its entry-level E3-class Xeon can meet the needs of many professional users. According to Intel's Stephen Gabriel, the Xeon E3-1200 series is aimed at entry-level workstations, with a focus on performance, memory, professional virtual reality, graphics rendering, video production, and greater memory bandwidth. This is why the HP Z2 Mini entry-level workstation will have the E3-1200 V5 configuration.
Some advantages of Xeon
The reason why Apple prefers to choose the E3 Xeon CPU for the iMac instead of the Core i7 processor can be summarized as follows:
- It supports ECC memory
- The clock frequency is faster. But this also means there is a fever problem, but this is within the acceptance of technical professionals.
- Calculating level performance is more important than "thin"
- Greater memory bandwidth
- It supports more memory than the Core family of processors, typically up to 64GB.
Professional iMac
In October last year, Microsoft released Surface Studio. If Apple doesn't have fluctuations because of the appearance of this product, it is impossible. On the other hand, HP's notebook and workstation products are also very attractive to professional users. Now professional users are very clear about Apple. If Apple can't provide the equipment they want, then these users will abandon the apples in minutes. Apple is under tremendous pressure, so there will be a small media meeting earlier this month. Apple wants to develop a professional-grade iMac, and may even equip it with an E3 Xeon processor.
Xeon E5 and E7
Xeons has a total of 3 different levels of products. We have already mentioned the entry-level E3 above. E5 is a mid-range product in the series for high-end desktop workstations. There are no integrated graphics cards in these Xeon processors, so you need to find the right high-end GPUs for them. For example, in 2013, the Mac Pro was equipped with E5-1620 v2 (and AMD FirePro GPU), supporting multiple processors, and multiple cores in each processor (FirePro is still very strong in 2013, and now it is no longer able to charge seniors) . From this we expect that the Mac Pro, which is expected to be released in 2018, may use an E5-class CPU with a powerful discrete graphics card.
E7-class Xeon does not appear on the Mac at all, and this level of processor is suitable for very high-end processors in the data center.
to sum up
Technology and creative professional users often have high requirements on chip quality, stability, and memory bandwidth when dealing with some important tasks. Of course, they also need a lot of RAM and ECC memory. Many technical users now want to use 5K (8K?) iMac for high-end CAD, graphics production, professional VR, video production, scientific computing. If Apple wants to satisfy these users, then it is natural to use E3 Xeon processor in iMac. . As for other requirements for higher device performance and the desire to use more professional displays, the new Mac Pro with E5 Xeon processor will be able to meet their requirements.
In general, Apple has already defined their attitude towards professional Mac users. This is a good thing. Users who want to continue using professional Mac products should wait a little longer, this time Apple will not let you down.
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