Acousto-optic digital level detector circuit diagram

This article describes an acousto-optic digital level detector circuit consisting of a 555 time base integrated circuit and a small number of peripheral components. The detector has a good effect and is easy to manufacture.

/> The detector circuit principle is shown in the figure. When the probe A is suspended, the transistor BG is turned off, the control terminal 5 of the time base circuit NE555 is at a high potential, the controlled audio oscillator composed of NE555, R3, R4, Cl is not vibrating, the speaker is silent, and the NE555 3 The foot output is high level, the LED is off and does not emit light, that is, the detector is silent and no light. When the probe A touches the logic “O” level, the reset terminal of the NE555 has a low level, the circuit is reset, so that the audio oscillator still does not vibrate, and the speaker is still silent, but the output of the NE555 is low. Ping, the LED is illuminated, that is, the detector has light and no sound; when the probe A touches the logic "1" level, the 4 pin of the NE555 becomes a high level, and the BG is turned on to make the 5 pin of the NE555 become a low level. The controlled audio oscillator starts up, the speaker emits sound, and the LED flashes, that is, the detector has sound and light. When the probe A contact is a continuous pulse, the LED and the speaker will alternately operate to make an acousto-optic indication.  The probe A of the detector can be made by a suitable copper wire, the triode adopts a 3DK3 or 3DK7 switch tube, the LED uses a red light emitting diode, and the power supply can use a 6V laminated battery. All components are housed in a pocket radio case. When installing, pay attention to the location of the LEDs and speakers on the case, and pull the probe and ground wire out of the case. </p> </div> <div class="tech-detail-share"> <!-- Baidu Button BEGIN --> <div class="bdsharebuttonbox"> <a href="#" class ="bds_qzone" data-cmd="qzone" title="Share to QQ space"></a> <a href="#" class="bds_tsina" data-cmd="tsina" title="Share to Sina Wei Bo"></a> <a href="#" class="bds_weixin" data-cmd="weixin" title="Share to WeChat"></a> <span>Share to:</span> </ Div> <script>window._bd_share_config = { "common": { "bdSnsKey": {}, "bdText": "", "bdMini": "1", "bdMiniList": false, "bdPic": "", "bdStyle": "2", "bdSize": "16" }, "share": {} }; with (document) 0[(getElementsByTagName(

Pod System

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