1, look at the appearance of the outer shell in particular, looks very bad material. This line needless to say is also the difference!
2, softness
Buy back the line, I feel very strong hardness, the basic inside is not a copper core, and there are fillers. Steel will certainly be harder than copper, and filling will also lead to harder and harder outer ones, so when you combine them, you can shake your hands and you can feel the quality!
3, anti-jamming test
This is mainly to see the inside of aluminum foil, aluminum magnesium mesh these materials. How do you see it? I can't cut the line! In fact, it is very simple, the metal shell is basically better than the non-metallic shell (there are special, some high-end line, there is a layer of metal outside the plastic, called the integrated shell, mostly used for high-grade line); use the test, as long as you have a mobile phone Yes, use the line you bought to put the phone on the edge of the line and use another phone to call it. If there is a screen or a splash screen, it is a defective product with bad material. This line may be available now, but I believe that it will not be long before it is normal for a good line to be used for several years.
4, whether 19 core
This is not a good test, universal meter can. Can also be troublesome, the best way is to see if the seller has a cut line in the corresponding style display. Note that to correspond to the style, to see the shell; many bad sellers, the Internet to find a 19-core picture is to say that their own, and some aluminum-magnesium braided net super many, if not a few hundred lines, generally do not use then many. Normal is dozens, and hundreds of them are super-good lines. Of course, some of them are their own 19-core lines, but they are not corresponding to styles. It is estimated that he uses the best line of his own home as a display for each line, opening it in scores of lines with a few hundred lines of scissors. That's not shoddy!
5, the difference between high-grade line and ordinary line
Do not test here, after the opportunity to use professional testing machine. It can be clearly told that ordinary lines and high-end lines have little impact on the video, and the relationship between picture quality and television is even greater (of course, the difference is another matter).
If you use the high-quality, expensive lines, they naturally improve. Usually around 2-300, some thousands of lines are unnecessary.
Smart TV/box information can focus on smart TV information network sofa butler (http://), China's influential TV box and smart TV website, providing information, communication, TV boxes, smart TVs, smart TV software, etc. Answering questions.
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