January 7th, Hisense brought its latest 8K smart TV at the CES International Consumer Electronics Show. ULED panels are used, with excellent performance in terms of color performance and clarity. The site did not disclose further listing date and selling price.
It is understood that the resolution of Hisense 8K ULED smart TV reached an ultra-high value of 76,804,320, which is 4 times that of current 4K TVs and shows very delicate. At the same time, it adopts an intelligent backlight control system with super intelligent peak backlight, nano quantum dots, and high color gamut equal to one; with 244 independent partitions, the display contrast is further enhanced by the intelligent algorithm, and the brightness is higher and the black field is darker. The layered image reflects the sense.
In the 4K TV gradually popular today, 8K will undoubtedly become the next development trend, but the problems that currently plagued its development still exist, and the scarce source is one of the biggest problems, such as the 4K source has slowly begun to increase. However, it is still a long way to go before it can be enriched and even popularized.