Title: Crazy Max 4: Fury Road / Mad Max: Fury Road
Director: George Miller Screenplay: George Miller / Brendan McCarthy
Starring: Tom Hardy / Charlize Theron / Nicholas Holt / Hugh Keys-Bern / Josh Hellman / Nathan Jones / Zoe Krovics / Lawrence Huntington-Whitley / Lily Keafu / Abi Li / Courtney Eaton / Angus Sampson / Richard Carter / Megan Gail / Sean Ha General Type: Action / Science Fiction / Adventure Producer Country: Australia / United States Language: English Release Date: 2015-05-15 (USA) / 2015-05-14 (Australia)
Film length: 120 minutes also known as: Doom Pioneer: Armored Racing (Harbour) / Crazy Max: Furious Road (Taiwan) / Charger 4 / Fossil Catcher 4 / Charge Catcher 4 / Crazy Max 4 / Mad Max 4: Fury Road
The world has collapsed and humanity has been exhausted. This is a world of blood and fire. Everyone must be cruel to survive. In the endless barren deserts, two fleeing rebel elements may establish order in the world. Max (Tom Hardy Tom Hardy), a reticent man who spoke in action, lost his family in the chaos. Now he only seeks peace. Friosa (Charlize Theron), a tough woman who speaks in action, believes that returning to her childhood home through the desert is the only way to survive. When the two met, the road battle also broke out...
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2015 American science fiction action "Mad Max 4: Doom Pioneer: Armored Car"
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