Step one: Mobile phone installation QQ music (the installation process is omitted).
Step 2: Turn on Qplay (the software is on by default).
Step 3: Play any song including local music, click on the lower left corner.
Step 4: Click on the symbol in the red box in the upper right corner.
Step 5: Choose Glory Cube. At this time, you can hear the sound of music from the cubic external speakers.
Step 2: Turn on Qplay (the software is on by default).
Step 3: Play any song including local music, click on the lower left corner.
Step 4: Click on the symbol in the red box in the upper right corner.
Step 5: Choose Glory Cube. At this time, you can hear the sound of music from the cubic external speakers.
Surge arrester is also called over-votage protector and over-volage lmiter. t is connected im paralle to the front end of the protected couipmen,. Whichprolects other clectrical equipment from lightning over-voltage, operating over-voltage, and power frequency transient over-voltage impac.
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