Conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) characteristics of off-line PWM switching power supplies

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In this paper, the conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) characteristics of an off-line PWM switching power supply are studied in detail by combining analysis and measurement. Based on the analysis of the effects of various devices, the linearization equations that reflect the relationship between conducted interference emissions, interference sources and interference propagation channels are obtained, and a new method for measuring the characteristics of typical conducted interference coupling channels is proposed. And verified. Based on the measured characteristics of the conducted interference coupling channel, the dv/dt and di/dt of the PWM switching power supply high-frequency power switching device are analyzed. According to the main spurious parameters of the converter and the basic propagation path of common mode interference, a low-order equivalent common-mode conduction interference model can be derived to guide the design of the power supply filter.

Off-line PWM switching power supply main circuit and conduction interference measurement principle

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