The first two days, OPPO R11 officially launched, its first launch equipped with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 660 processor, with a rear 20 million + 16 megapixel camera, support for portrait camera mode and 2X optical zoom, front camera also reached 20 million Pixel. For other configurations, OPPO R11 uses a 5.5-inch 1080P display, supplemented with 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM, battery capacity of 3000mAh, VOOC flash charging technology, priced at 2,999 yuan.
At this price point, what is the performance of OPPO R11? Is it worthy of this price? Let’s take a look at the real machine disassembly that GeekBar brings.
Configuration details
Fixed fingerprint module, integrated home button, can not be pressed.
Metal case, curved back design.
Rear dual camera, similar to the iPhone 7 Plus.
Rear image head slightly protruding
Disassembly process
1, shut down
2, remove the two screws at the tail
3. Use the suction cup to suck up the screen glass panel, use the crowbar and the paddle to open the back cover.
4, OPPO R11 back cover is a one-piece metal material, using buckles and stickers and fixed in the middle frame
The middle frame integrates all components and screen assembly inside the phone
5, use the crowbar to disconnect the battery cable link
6. Remove the two bottom cable baffle fixing screws
7, remove the bottom cable fixed baffle
8. Remove the two rear camera cable guide screws
9, remove the rear camera cable fixed baffle
10. Use the crowbar to disconnect the rear camera cable
Nanning Ousibang Information Technology Co., Ltd. ,