Say the capacitor nine: the basic formula of the capacitor parameters

1, capacity (Fala)

Inch: C = ( 0.224 × K · A) / T D

Metric: C = ( 0.0884 × K · A) / T D

2. Energy stored in the capacitor

E = 1⁄2 CV 2

3, the linear charge of the capacitor

I = C (dV/dt)

4, the total impedance of the capacitor (ohms)


5, capacitive reactance (ohm)

XC = 1/(2Ï€fC)

6, phase angle Ф

Ideal capacitor: advanced current voltage 90o
Ideal inductor: hysteresis current voltage 90o
Ideal resistor: the same phase as the current voltage

7. Dissipation coefficient (%)

DF = tan δ (loss angle)

= ESR / X C

= (2Ï€fC)(ESR)

8, quality factors

Q = cotan δ = 1/ DF

9, equivalent series resistance ESR (ohms)

ESR = (DF) X C = DF/ 2Ï€fC

10, power consumption


11, power factor

PF = sin δ (loss angle) – cos Ф (phase angle)

12. Root mean square


13, kVA KVA (kW)

KVA = 2πfCV 2 × 10 -3

14, the temperature coefficient of the capacitor

TC = [ (C t – C 25 ) / C 25 (T t – 25) ] × 10 6

15, capacity loss (%)


16, the reliability of ceramic capacitors


17, the capacitance value in series


18, the capacitance value in parallel

C T = C 1 + C 2 + .... + C n

19. Againg Rate

AR = % ∆C / decade of time

The symbols in the above formula are as follows:

K = dielectric constant A = area T D = thickness of insulation layer V = voltage t = time R S = series resistance f = frequency L = inductance inductive coefficient δ = loss angle Ф = phase angle L 0 = service life L t = test Lifetime V t = test voltage V 0 = operating voltage T t = test temperature T 0 = operating temperature X , Y = effect index of voltage and temperature.

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