Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?


In the Wuqi game of Wuzhen, the wonderful confrontation between Ke Jie and Alpha Dog made us all sigh the horror of artificial intelligence. In the medical field, various robots are now being developed. Will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

01, blood drawing robot

Even without a robot, blood drawing is already terrible. Not only does the needle make us feel threatened, but sometimes a nurse or other blood-sucker has to take a lot of needles to find a blood vessel. However, a blood-drawing robot like Veebot can control the entire blood drawing process within 1 minute, and studies have confirmed that this robot can find the most suitable blood vessels with an accuracy of 83%, and their accuracy can be Compared with an experienced blood-sucker.

Veebot combines the latest in robotics and image recognition technology to effectively reduce blood draw time and accurately insert a needle into your vein to draw blood. The specific use process is as follows: the patient puts his arm into the inflatable cuff, the inflatable cuff can stop bleeding; the infrared light will image the inside of the patient's elbow, compare the camera view with the vein distribution model of the arm to find the right one. The vein; ultrasound confirms that the vein has sufficient blood flow; align the needle with the locked vein and insert the needle to draw blood.

Veebot is expected to provide some assurance for patients who are difficult to find in the veins. Having said that, it is quite another to entrust the arm to a machine that wields a large needle. Blood collectors collect our blood samples because we trust them. But we may feel uneasy when we switch to a robot to draw blood. What if the robot goes wrong? What if the robot can't stop as required?

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

02, surgical robot

Surgical robots may change the way you do surgery in the future. The industry is currently booming: by 2020, sales of surgical robots are expected to double from 640 billion.

The example of the Da Vinci surgical robot system tells us that the robot does not replace the surgeon. Instead, it enhances their skills and makes their surgery more precise. The Da Vinci system transforms the surgeon's hand movements into smaller, more precise mechanical movements, which the surgeon can perform with very few small wounds. The surgical system consists of an enlarged 3D HD vision system and a small wrist instrument that bends and rotates more than the human hand, enhancing the range of vision, accuracy and control of the procedure.

However, lying under the scalpel operating the machine itself is a horrible thing. Although you are very comfortable entrusting your body to medical professionals, surgery on such a machine with a specific procedure may scare you. Accidents may occur during surgery, and such machines cannot be adapted.

But we will gradually realize the fact that surgical robots do have a lower turnover rate and they will perform surgery under the full control of the surgeon. I believe that such robots will become common in the future.

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

03, telemedicine robot

The shortage of medical resources is a global problem. According to the WHO assessment, the number of doctors, nurses and other medical workers has a gap of 4.3 million worldwide. At the same time, demand for medical resources is on the rise: rising prevalence, rising prevalence of modern diseases such as diabetes and obesity, and gradual entry into older societies also require more and more medical resources.

Under such circumstances, more and more clinics will be equipped with telemedicine robots, and it will become more and more common for robots to participate in medical procedures.

InTouch is committed to connecting doctors and patients via the Internet. With InTouch, patients in remote areas or people with reduced mobility can enjoy high-quality emergency consultations when they happen to need it, such as when they have a stroke, cardiovascular disease or burns.

The Remote Dentist Service in MouthWatch, an all-in-one remote dentistry platform where you can receive medical imagery, clinical records, billing codes and send messages to dentists a few miles away.

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

04, medical AI "assistant"

Have you talked to the chat bot? Whether it is there or not, cleverbot.com is worth experiencing! On this website, you wonder if you are chatting with a woman or an algorithm? Similarly, perhaps the sister you met on the gun site is actually an algorithm! What a creepy thing! But undoubtedly, artificial intelligence has been applied in more and more fields.

Artificial intelligence is the ability to give computers the ability to learn, think, rationally, and even understand human emotions, and let computers do more repetitive work. AI can help doctors reduce the mortality rate of patients waiting to see a doctor. We can turn these algorithms into a medical assistant like a singer. When we are not feeling well, if it is necessary to seek medical advice, it will introduce us to the doctor.

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

05, skeletal rehabilitation robot

The skeletal rehabilitation robot is a machine that can help people move around and can bear the weight of a person. With their help, the sick patient can walk again. For example, a gait-training Exoskeletons helps a groom who is below the chest to go to his bride.

But when we first saw people walking or running with it, we would open our mouths to its strange appearance. Regardless of the appearance of the skeletal rehabilitation robot, as it is applied more and more, we all need to get used to it.

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

06, portable diagnostic equipment

In Star Trek, Dr. McCoy found an abnormality immediately after scanning his patient through his tricorder, which is really cool. When we go to the doctor, the same thing can happen to us, we will feel that we use one device after another, and they can measure vital signs and basic health parameters.

Our diagnostic equipment is also moving towards mobility, so it's worth preparing for it. Although the current product is far less than Dr. McCoy's tricorder, our technology can quickly reach that level. You'll see smartphones with high-powered microscopes, such as photos of swab samples and skin lesions; sensors that detect abnormalities in DNA, detect antibodies or specific proteins; electronic noses, ultrasound probes, or almost any We now attach to the smartphone and enhance its functionality.

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

07, genome sequencing service

Genomic sequencing has been the focus of many years. Since 2005, since 2006, through 23andme, Navigenics or Pathway Genomics, patients can order sequencing services online. This business can be run on the assumption that anyone can order a genome sequencing service at home to understand some of their specific medical risks and what lifestyles they should choose to circumvent these risks.

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

08, AI toys

Cognitoys, an artificial intelligence toy, promotes the cognitive development of children in a fun and gentle way. The emergence of this kind of toy makes us discover that artificial intelligence can not only change our lives, but also bring us happiness.

Cognitoys also gives us a feeling of confusion and insecurity. We humans may not be the only group that can collect and analyze information. I can tell you that when your child tells you that he is a friend of an AI with his own personality, we'd better prepare for it in time.

Some technologies can be scary, no matter how much it brings to our lives, we all need to be prepared for the discomfort they may cause.

By discussing these potential scenarios and the technologies that are coming to our lives, we hope that we will be able to strike a balance between technological advancement and human feelings.

Unstoppable medical robots, will doctors be replaced by artificial intelligence?

Summary language:

Over the past few decades, science and technology have continued to evolve, and our lives have changed dramatically from the past. In the medical field, there have been some changes, so what will the future medical care become? The future is still unknown.


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