The Gin smart watch industry seems to have encountered some difficulties, even Apple. In fact, the first truly smart watch was Pebble's product of the same name. It was launched on a crowdfunding website, quickly gaining attention and support from users, and getting venture capital. The global sales volume also exceeded one million. Subsequently, Google and Apple have entered the field of smart watches, Pebble seems a little quiet.
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Unlike Google and Apple’s focus on exclusive platforms, Pebble’s products consistently support iOS and Android devices while maintaining a minimum of 5 days of endurance and have their own app store. This year, Pebble launched the real sequel Pebble 2, still maintaining a simple design, electronic ink screen and low prices. So, how will Pebble survive in the cruel smart watch industry?
Watch manufacturers that do not create watches
The founder of Pebble once said: "Our vision is not to make watches." This seems contradictory. But when Pebble released the Core gadget, it seemed to be a slight understanding of what the company was trying to create.
Pebble Core is very interesting. It has a built-in SIM card slot, microphone, and GPS. It can be connected to Pebble watches and can be programmed to expand functions, including playing music and even sending emergency messages. Officials say it can replace mobile phones to some extent. Of course, from the current point of view, Core can not replace the mobile phone, but it is clearly an attempt of the future personal device form. The true goal of Pebble is also revealed by the Core part. It is “creating a watch and a device network around the body to make people's lives more efficient.†A simple understanding is “wearable networksâ€.
The future of Pebble
From the perspective of Core's reputation, Pebble seems to have some blind confidence in this future form of equipment. People still like and rely on smart phones because it is more intuitive and more powerful, even if they need to be recharged every day. The same is true of Apple Watch and Android Wear, they are not perfect, but under the support of powerful platforms and brands, they have become the first choice for people's smart watches.
So, where is Pebble's future? Currently, Pebble is focused on adding more sophisticated hardware to its watch products. For example, Pebble 2 has added a heart rate sensor; Pebble Time 2 is still a high-end product with a color screen and a metal body, and their endurance is also over a week. In terms of software, Pebble open SDK to developers, encourage people to develop applications for them, and Pebble Core uses a new, Android-based system to make it easier for Internet operations.
The branding effect of Pebble has been initially formed, perhaps less than Apple and Google, but it has a certain influence in the field of smart watches. The vision of creating a “wearable network†clearly requires further visualization. A Core or several new watches will obviously not be able to transform the concept into a practical application experience that users cannot experience. Although Pebble thinks it has a different perspective than Google, it still needs to succeed first in the smartwatch field in order to further realize its vision.
Source: techradar
.wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; }
A cable is a component that connects one or more wires that can be insulated or used to transfer electrical energy or signals. Used as a primary overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. Designed for use with high strength aluminum alloys to achieve high strength to weight ratios; provides good droop characteristics. AAAC, ACSR is part of a series of overhead conductors, transmission conductors and distribution conductors. These cables are officially referred to as all-aluminum conductors (AAAC) and aluminum conductor bars (ACSR). These overhead aluminum conductors are used as power transmission and distribution lines. Depending on the application, all aluminum conductors are made of one or more strands of aluminum wire.
The following are the picture and parameters of our product, for more details about the cable and fitting, please contact us.
Code Number | Stranding&wire diameter | Approx Overall diameter | Norminal Area | Approx weight | Breaking Load | DC Resistance at 20 |
mm | mm | mm2 | kg/km | KN | Ohm/km | |
16 | 7/1.83 | 5.49 | 18.4 | 50.4 | 5.43 | 1.7896 |
25 | 7/2.29 | 6.86 | 28.8 | 78.7 | 8.49 | 1.1453 |
40 | 7/2.89 | 8.68 | 46 | 125.9 | 13.58 | 0.7158 |
63 | 7/3.63 | 10.9 | 72.5 | 198.3 | 21.39 | 0.4545 |
100 | 19/2.78 | 13.9 | 115 | 316.3 | 33.95 | 0.2877 |
125 | 19/3.10 | 15.5 | 144 | 395.4 | 42.44 | 0.2302 |
160 | 19/3.51 | 17.6 | 184 | 506.1 | 54.32 | 0.1798 |
200 | 19/3.93 | 19.6 | 230 | 632.7 | 67.91 | 0.1439 |
250 | 19/4.39 | 22 | 288 | 790.8 | 84.88 | 0.1151 |
315 | 37/3.53 | 24.7 | 363 | 998.9 | 106.95 | 0.0916 |
400 | 37/3.98 | 27.9 | 460 | 1268.4 | 135.81 | 0.0712 |
450 | 37/4.22 | 29.6 | 518 | 1426.9 | 152.79 | 0.0641 |
500 | 37/4.45 | 31.2 | 575 | 1585.5 | 169.76 | 0.0577 |
560 | 61/3.67 | 33 | 645 | 1778.4 | 190.14 | 0.0516 |
630 | 61/3.89 | 35 | 725 | 2000.7 | 213.9 | 0.0458 |
710 | 61/4.13 | 37.2 | 817 | 2254.8 | 241.07 | 0.0407 |
800 | 61/4.38 | 39.5 | 921 | 2540.6 | 271.62 | 0.0361 |
900 | 91/3.81 | 41.8 | 1036 | 2861.1 | 305.58 | 0.0321 |
1000 | 91/4.01 | 44.1 | 1151 | 3179 | 339.53 | 0.0289 |
1120 | 91/4.25 | 46.7 | 1289 | 3560.5 | 380.27 | 0.0258 |
1250 | 91/4.49 | 49.4 | 1439 | 3973.7 | 424.41 | 0.0231 |

Code Number | Stranding&wire diameter | Approx Overall diameter | sectional Area | Approx weight | Breaking Load | DC Resistance at 20 | |||
AL(mm) | Steel(mm) | mm | Al(mm2) | Steel(mm2) | Total(mm2) | kg/km | KN | Ohm/km | |
16 | 6/1.84 | 1/1.84 | 5.53 | 16 | 2.67 | 18.7 | 64.6 | 6.08 | 1.7934 |
25 | 6/2.3 | 1/2.30 | 6.91 | 25 | 4.17 | 29.2 | 100.9 | 9.13 | 1.1478 |
100 | 6/4.61 | 1/4.61 | 13.8 | 100 | 16.7 | 117 | 403.8 | 34.33 | 0.2869 |
125 | 18/2.97 | 1/2.97 | 14.9 | 125 | 6.94 | 132 | 397.9 | 29.17 | 0.2304 |
160 | 18/3.36 | 1/3.36 | 16.8 | 160 | 8.89 | 169 | 509.3 | 36.18 | 0.18 |
250 | 22/3.80 | 7/2.11 | 21.6 | 250 | 24.6 | 275 | 880.6 | 68.72 | 0.1154 |
400 | 54/3.07 | 7/3.07 | 27.6 | 400 | 51.9 | 452 | 1510.3 | 123.04 | 0.0723 |
450 | 54/3.26 | 7/3.26 | 29.3 | 450 | 58.3 | 508 | 1699.1 | 138.42 | 0.0643 |
500 | 54/3.43 | 7/3.43 | 30.9 | 500 | 64.8 | 565 | 1887.9 | 153.8 | 0.0578 |
560 | 54/3.63 | 19/2.18 | 32.7 | 560 | 70.9 | 631 | 2103.4 | 172.59 | 0.0516 |
630 | 54/3.85 | 19/2.31 | 34.7 | 630 | 79.8 | 710 | 2366.3 | 191.77 | 0.0459 |
710 | 54/4.09 | 19/2.45 | 36.8 | 710 | 89.9 | 800 | 2666.8 | 216.12 | 0.0407 |
800 | 72/3.76 | 7/2.51 | 37.6 | 800 | 34.6 | 835 | 2480.2 | 167.41 | 0.0361 |
900 | 72/3.99 | 7/2.66 | 39.9 | 900 | 39.9 | 939 | 2790.2 | 188.33 | 0.0321 |

We warmly welcome friends both domestic and abroad to visit our company,if you have any questions, please contact with us directly.
Aluminum Electrical Wire,Aluminum Power Cable,Aluminum Wire Connectors,Aluminum Electrical Cable